
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Inspired by a tween girl

Charity starts from the heart

My son was invited to a friend's birthday party and on the invitation she had asked that instead of bringing gifts, people donate to a favorite charity or bring nonperishable food items she could donate to the local food closet. I thought that was beautiful.

It began a conversation between me and my son about charity and giving and kindness. We often have these philosophical talks and it does my heart good to hear my son contribute so much. He thinks deeply about this topic and I know he will make me proud. I was about to say "some day" but he already has.

He told me some day he wants to change the world and make it a better place, and I told him you don't have to change the world. Just do what you can to share love and kindness and the world will follow. Kindness and charity spreads across time and oceans. It doesn't take much; just one act of kindness can change the world for one person. If you continue that practice, you will change the lives of many, who may in turn change many other lives.

I enjoy these talks with him. I know that deep inside that wandering mind is a brilliance we will all see and he will change the world.


  1. It's easy to be a good kid when you have a good mom. I love this post.

  2. We just had Nick's birthday party last week and I asked people to donate to charity just as his friend did. It went over well and I learned a little more about people's causes and what they felt strongly about. I felt like we were getting to know our friends a little better too because of that.
